
Learn about Ola Lab and what's cookin'

How it started

I've always been crafty and enjoyed sewing, drawing, painting, and building stuff. I was able to build a greenhouse in my yard a couple of years ago and started growing succulent and cacti cuttings. Soon enough, I got too many of them and not enough planters, so I started trying to make my own, with different materials and shapes. As I kept crafting several things (dog bandanas, stickers...), I also started making my first planters, which were made out of concrete: it is cheap, cures fast, and is very sturdy. However, I was looking for some more eco-friendly options.

How it's going

I started looking into using Jesmonite, an eco-friendly plaster/resin mix super popular in the UK and in Europe, but the shipping costs for the US were outrageous. I stayed stuck for months trying to find the right ingredients to make a recipe that would be similar to Jesmonite with whatever I could get in Texas. After months of experiments, I finally found the perfect recipe: a mix of 4 ingredients which need to be carefully weighted to create the recipe. that I was able to get shipped to my studio at a decent price, meaning that I could actually sell my products at an affordable price as well.

What's Next

I am currently making terrazzo products as well as sassy stickers, and will soon expand to wall art and 3D printed + stones earrings.

Stay tuned, hun. You're gonna love 'em!

color flecks

Step 1

We start by picking a palette and creating our color flecks. We make our main recipe and add color little by little, either with oxide pigments or paint, to slowly obtain the desired tint. The mix is then spread on a silicone mat and we let it dry (between 30 to 90 minutes depending on the consistency and thickness).

mold prep

Step 2

While the flecks are curing, we then prep our molds/casts: they need to be absolutely free of debris from previous pieces and we spray them with a handmade catalyst solution to prevent air bubbles from forming as soon as possible (eco-friendly dish soap + water).

scraping + chipping

Step 3

Once the material is dry, we scrape it off the mat and squish is until we get the size flecks we need. These can be super sharp, but as the colors start to take shape, it makes it an oddly satisfying step of the process!

weighting + mixing + pouring

Step 4

It’s now time to weight all 4 ingredients for the main recipe, combine, mix and add the flecks to it. Then, we pour the whole mix into the molds/casts and nothing ever gets thrown away: leftovers are used to make more flecks or to make some conglomerate, which makes the pieces sturdier.

setting + curing

Step 5

We gently squeeze the sides of the molds full of the mix, and we tilt and tap the mold to get a maximum or air bubbles out of it. We then level the surface to avoid having to send it too much in the end and place the mold on a surface that is perfectly level to cure. Curing takes between 90 and 180 minutes, depending on the size and consistency of the piece.


Step 6

After checking that the piece is at least almost fully cured, we unfold it and inspect it for bubbles and other defects. If there are too many bubbles, we carefully add more material in the holes in order to get to a nice flat surface that will be ready to sand.

sanding + polishing

Step 7

The pieces have to be sanded and polished in order to reveal the color flecks. When they come out of the mold, they mostly show the main color of the mix. Sanding takes a lot of work, starting with 60 grit all the way down to 3000. After that, we polish the pieces with beeswax to give them a nice shine and make the colors pop.


Step 8

We take pictures of our pieces in order to prepare them to get sold, write a short and sweet description including product dimensions and options, define a sale price, and start posting on the channels we use to sell.


Step 9

Once the pieces are sold, we carefully package them using recycled and recyclable materials and we are ready to drop them off to the mail office so that they can start their new life with you!

Woohoo, you'll hear from us soon!
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